Solari Leads the Innovation of Panama Metro Line 3.
The Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) for the first batch of the Public Information System related to the “Line 3 of the Panama Metro Project” was successfully conducted in the presence of our client, Hitachi Rail STS S.p.A. The project involves the supply of a Passenger Information Display (PID) system, Public Announcement (PA) system, and timetable information for the 12 stations, divided into two phases (1A; 1B), covering a total monorail line length of 25.8km. The commencement of operations for Line 3 is scheduled for June 2025.
In addition to providing the information system along the new Line 3, Solari will also supply the On-board Display System for the new monorail trains. Congratulations to the entire Solari team for actively contributing to the achievement of this significant milestone, which began in February 2022.