
Constantly improvement oriented, SOLARI DI UDINE SPA has also implemented a quality management system compliant with the international standards set by ISO.

Solari ha been ISO 9001:2015 certified since 1998, and ISO 14001 certified since 2015.

In 2018 Solari obtained also the Certification ISO 45001, concerning the health and safety of workers and recently, in 2023, achieved the Certification ISO 27001,ISO 37001 and SA 8000.


To comply with AgID circulars no. 2 and 3 of 9th April 2018 which provide that from 1st April 2019, Public Administrations can only acquire IaaS, PaaS and SaaS services qualified by AgID and published in the Cloud Marketplace (Catalog of cloud services qualified for the PA), Solari di Udine has indicated in the CAIQ (Consensus Assessments Initiative Questionnaire) SaaS questionnaire the reliability and security measures adopted to protect personal data, as part of the StartWeb software solution.

To comply with AgID circular no. 2 and 3 of 9th April 2018 which provide that from 1st April 2019, Public Administrations can only acquire IaaS, PaaS and SaaS services qualified by AgID and published in the Cloud Marketplace, Solari di Udine has indicated in the CAIQ (Consensus Assessments Initiative Questionnaire) SaaS the reliability and security measures adopted to protect personal data, as part of the Web Attendance Management.

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